Sajad joined Multiwave Imaging as a senior RF engineer for MRI following his post-doctoral training at Yale University’s Magnetic Resonance Research Center (USA).
Sajad obtained his PhD in Medical Physics Imaging at University of Paris-Sud (France) which he followed with a post-doctoral position. A Part of his PhD was conducted at MR Center of Excellence at Medical university of Vienna (Austria).
During his PhD and Post-doctoral positions, Sajad worked on projects including the design and development of phased array coils for low and high field MRI. He completed his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering with a specialization in electronics followed by a master’s degree in Biomedical Imaging with a specialization in medical imaging at Heidelberg University (Germany).
At Multiwave Imaging, his research interests are on design and development of Radio-Frequency coils and the corresponding interface/hardware for low-field MRI.