MR Pads
Imaging the human brain has never revealed greater quality than with 7T MRI scanners. However, MRI physics at this ultra-high field strength impede full diagnosis due to loss of signal in the temporal lobe and cerebellum area of the brain.
The declaration of conformity of 7TNS MRI Pads was issued as Class I medical device.
MRI Pads – 7TNS Neuro Set
- A set of two pads with dimensions 18x18x1 cm3
- Bearing CE marking
- Sealed pouch containing high permittivity materials and deuterated water to enhance temporal lobes image quality at 7T
- Pad placed on the lobes between the patient and the receive coil
- No additional software or hardware required
- Development funded by the E.U. through H2020 FET innovation Launchpad call (project n°850506)