Location                              Marseille, France

Required degree                 For post-doc applicants: PhD

                                             For expert applicants: Engineering school or master degree

About employer                 Multiwave Technologies (MW) Multiwave | MRI for everyone, everywhere

Supervisors                         Dr. Antonakakis (MW) and Dr. Stellmann (CRMBM)

Context – The MRI4All Industrial Chair

The MRI4All Industrial Chair is a 2,9M€ program, co-funded by A*MIDEX foundation and Multiwave Technologies for 4-years (2024-2027). This industrial Chair involves two research laboratories, Institut Fresnel (Dr. Abdeddaim and Dr. Dubois) and CRMBM (Dr. Stellmann, MD, and Dr. Bendahan), and one medical imaging company, Multiwave Technologies (Dr. Antonakakis). These three organizations are located in Marseille, France. The general purpose of this Chair is to develop a new generation of innovative portable MRI scanners operating at ultra-low field and to pay a more particular attention to neurology and MSK applications. The main scientific objectives of the project cover hardware technologies, as well as MR data acquisition and reconstruction strategies. Clinical research activities will also be covered in the frame of this program.

As part of this industrial Chair WP2 (“Recherche et Développement IRM”), Multiwave Technologies is offering a post-doctoral position or expert (for engineer/master) position in the frame of a permanent contract (CDI-Contrat à Durée Indéterminée), in partnership with the CRMBM laboratory.

Job proposal

The job involves developing MRI methods at ultra-low field with the perspective on clinical neuroimaging applications. The candidate should have a PhD in electrical engineering, physics, computer sciences or biomedical engineering and less than 5 years of post-doctoral experience. Candidates who graduated from engineering schools (or masters) are also eligible and may apply as expert applicants, if they can justify a professional experience in MRI instrumentation or MRI applications.

An expertise in MR engineering, instrumentation, pulse sequence programming and image reconstruction is requested and a good knowledge of MRI systems and associated hardware and methods will be advantageous. The candidate should be fluent in scientific English and have good writing skills. He/She will have the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment so that communicative skills are crucial for this project. Good analytical capacities and a team-working attitude will be appreciated. An independent working attitude, good analytical capacities and communicative skills are crucial for this project.

Please send the supporting documents listed in the M4A Guide for applicants (table 2) to Jonathan Bartoli jonathan@multiwave.fr(Multiwave Technologies).

To download the M4A Guide for applicants: https://files.multiwave.ch/f/e84d4845ce0e4902b190/?dl=1


Multiwave | MRI for everyone, everywhere

Multiwave Technologies (MW) was spun-off in 2016 by Swiss deep-tech company Multiwave Technologies AG. At Multiwave, we understand the challenges faced by physicians in MRI. As part of a European project, we have developed metamaterials to challenge conventional MRI physics by controlling wave propagation and to improve the trade-off between scan time and image quality. Since 2016, MW has been part of and led more than a dozen research projects in collaboration with academic partners for a variety of applications (radio frequency antennas, metamaterial pads, on-chip technologies, energy recovery, …). For the past two years, the company has been developing the tools and processes needed to produce ultra-low field (50mT) portable MRI scanners, with the aim of democratizing access to MRI for as many people as possible.

Academic partner

Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine – CRMBM – CEMEREM

Based at La Timone University Hospital, the Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine conducts translational research by developing and applying MR methods and instruments to assess human diseases and associated animal models (rodents) through morphological, metabolic, functional and physiological measurements. Based on a large methodological and engineering support, our research teams aim at (i) better characterizing healthy and pathological states of the central nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, (ii) proposing new diagnostic tools and (iii) assessing therapeutic strategies.

This position is co-funded in the frame of the A*MIDEX-Multiwave Industrial Chair. Développer une nouvelle génération d’appareils d’IRM | Aix-Marseille Université (univ-amu.fr)